Get vapaus for you and your colleagues

We know: not every organisation has yet understood the beauty of the bike benefit. Be the BB champion by helping your HR and managers get on board.

How to get closer to a benefit bike


The email

Type your work email in the form below. We’ll send you an email with great reasons why your employer should get Vapaus.

The nudge

Forward the email you received to the people in charge of your fringe benefits. Tell them how badly you want Vapaus bike benefit!

The bikes

If all goes well, your initiative leads to a bike benefit contract and you can start enjoying life as a Vapaus bike user.

Recommend Vapaus to your employer

Fill in your work email address. Receive an info package and forward it to the one who sits on top of your employee benefits. Make it clear that you and your colleagues want benefit bikes!

use these numbers to convince someone

You already know how great bike benefit is – now make it clear to the others.
According to our State of benefit bikes in Finland 2024 research...

79 %

of our users have cycled more since they started to use a benefit bike.

1217 KM

was the average distance cycled by our users in 2023 - more than five times the distance of an average Finn!

46 %

say they have reduced the number of car journeys they make after getting a benefit bike. The average reduction in driving has been 42 km per week.

100 bike brands and 290+ bike shops to choose from

Vapaus benefit bike users can get their bicycle from a long list of Vapaus partner bike shops and brands. From e-bikes to mountain, gravel, and commuter bikes, there’s a perfect benefit bike for everyone.