Cycling Story: A Recycled Electric Bike Fits an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Katri's Cycling Journey: Katri has been cycling since childhood. After knee surgery last winter, she opted for a used electric bike from Vapaus' Precycled collection for rehabilitation. Here are highlights from her experience over two months of commuting by bike.

In our "Cycling Stories" series, we interview benefit bike cyclists from around Finland. Katri Korolainen, Special Advisor for Social Impact and Communications at OAJ, had long considered getting an electric bike, and the employee bicycle benefit made it possible for her to acquire a bike that suits her lifestyle. But let's hear Katri tell her story herself…

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Could you start by telling us about your cycling background?

I've been cycling since I was a child. I've never been into intense fitness activities, but I enjoy light endurance sports like cycling, walking, and swimming. I like cycling because it's a natural way for me to get around and stay active.

When did you get your benefit bike? 

I acquired the bike at the beginning of April and received it at home just after Easter. It has now been in use for about two months.

Which bike did you choose?

An electric city bike that is cute, stylish, and easy to ride upright. My choice for a chic ride for city cycling: Electra Loft Go! 5.

Use Vapaus Bike Finder to find the perfect bike for you >

Why this particular bike?

I absolutely wanted a used bike. Ecological lifestyle is important to me, and I do a lot of recycling in my daily life. For example, I visit flea markets a lot and buy second-hand clothes.

Another reason was the ease of choice. Here in the Helsinki metropolitan area, there are dozens of bike shops, plus the online stores. I'm not interested in technical details. I wanted a nice, functional bike that looks good.

Vapaus' Precycled selection was easy to browse online. I used the Vapaus Bike Finder and specified that I wanted a used unisex bike, and it offered me seven options. One of them was exactly what I was looking for, whilst the others were more sporty. Then, on my way home, I popped in at Vapaus bike center in Sörnäinen to test ride the bike. I completely avoided having to use spreadsheets and compare features.

💡Hint hint, check out Vapaus' Precycled selection here and easily book a test ride here.

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What inspired you to get an employee benefit bike?

I had been considering getting an electric bike for a long time. Vapaus' bike benefit made it easier since I didn't have to dig deep into my own pockets all at once. Without the bike benefit, I might not have been able to afford an electric bike.

Another factor that accelerated the purchase of an electric bike was a knee surgery that I had last winter, which left me pretty immobile for most of the winter except for some light walking. With the electric bike, I could simultaneously rehabilitate my knee.

It was fantastic to start commuting by bike to work. It served as both knee rehabilitation and beneficial exercise. The commute from Herttoniemi to Pasila is 8 kilometers. Initially, my knee wouldn't have withstood the strain of pedaling a regular bike, but with an electric bike, I felt confident making the journey as I could adjust the level of exertion myself.

What do you use the benefit bike for? 

I cycle all the trips that are convenient to do by bike. Helsinki has an incredibly good bike network. I commute from Herttoniemi to Pasila by bike. It's easy to attend meetings in the city center by bike. No other mode of transportation allows you to move as quickly. During summer roadworks, even a taxi is slower than a bike in the city. I also use the bike with my children on weekends. We visit playgrounds and friends, last time we went to Falkulla petting zoo.

Psst, read here everything you need to know about the bike benefit

How has the bike impacted your mobility habits?

My mobility habits have completely changed. Just the other day, I rode my bike to work on a rainy day. I had work engagements all over the city, so I left my bicycle in the office parking garage. The bus was late, the metro was stuck on the tracks. It was all so frustrating; I would have preferred to be on my bike.

How many kilometres do you accumulate? 

The commute between home and the office is 15 kilometers. Usually, I also go downtown during the day. On average, I cover 20-22 kilometers on a weekday. It's not intense exercise, but it still boosts alertness. It feels good for the body to be constantly on the move.

Do the weather conditions matter? 

If it's raining cats and dogs, I might consider leaving the bike at home. Normal little spring rain doesn't affect me at all. Of course, I check the weather forecast in advance to make sure there's no thunderstorm coming. I prefer to bike even when rain is in the forecast.

Have you noticed any changes in your fitness or mood?

The general feeling and mood is great, and my fitness has improved. Initially, cycling was primarily rehabilitation for my legs. Now I have better endurance: I can go faster and sweat less. Cycling is a wonderful sport. It can be enjoyed even if one's fitness isn't great or their mobility is limited.

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What is the best thing about commuting by bike?

It's fast and refreshing. I feel privileged to be able to watch nature come to life and see how beautiful the surroundings are in the morning light from the saddle of a bike. Plus, it's my own “me time”. I listen to a lot of political podcasts because I have a constant craving for new knowledge.

What are your thoughts on the costs and savings of the benefit bike at this stage?

Having an employee benefit bike is an incredibly great benefit. There's no significant upfront cost since you can pay for the bike at your own pace. I used Vapaus' benefit bike calculator to see how much less I need to pay myself. A benefit bike is a cost-effective option, even compared to public transportation, not to mention driving a car.

Estimate your savings with the Vapaus benefit bike calculator >>

To whom would you recommend a benefit bike?

Having a benefit bike brings so much joy and benefit to everyone. Vapaus offers a range of bikes for all needs, whether it's transporting children, zipping through local traffic as a commuter, or hitting the road as a sports enthusiast. But it's also for someone like me, rehabilitating from surgery, who can't move around as well as I used to.

What message would you send to companies that do not offer the employee bicycle benefit yet?

I encourage all businesses to offer the bike benefit to their employees. It's an excellent perk that also builds employer branding. I just sent a tip to a couple of HR folks from my previous workplace on which bike benefit provider to use. Every cycled kilometer improves the employee's fitness level. The employer also benefits when people move more and feel better.

Any other greetings?

It's just great that such bicycle benefit is available in the first place. Dealing with Vapaus has been really pleasant, and I'm happy to spread the joy of cycling further.

Thank you Katri and we wish you many happy kilometres on the saddle of your new (used) benefit bike!

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