Cycling Story: Commuting, Shopping, and Daycare trips with a Benefit Bike

Cycling has been a part of Linda's life since childhood, but it wasn't until she got an electric assist benefit bike that it became a lifestyle. We asked Linda about her feelings after a little over a year of cycling with the benefit bike.In the Cycling Stories series, we talk to benefit bike users from all over Finland. Linda Pynnönen, Marketing and Communications Manager at the health technology company Medixine, found her benefit bike to be a joyful substitute for a car in both everyday and leisure trips. In this article, Linda shares her experiences as a benefit bike user.

Hello Linda! To start, could you tell us a bit about your cycling background?

Cycling has been part of my life since childhood, mainly for exercise. Although I've never been a hardcore cyclist, during my teenage years and early twenties, I used to bike for most trips under 10 km. However, there have been quieter years since then, depending on factors like the length of my commute. For example, commuting from Espoo to Helsinki city center was a bit too long back then, especially since electric bikes weren't as readily available. Nevertheless, cycling has always been a preferred mode of transportation for me.

When did you get your benefit bike?

I started utilizing the benefit as soon as it became available at Medixine, so in November 2021.

What bike did you choose?

My first benefit bike was the Crescent E-Salto, which is an electric-assist hybrid bike. It's versatile and well-suited for urban riding.


Crescent E-Salto electric hybrid bike, image: Crescent

Why did you choose this bike specifically?

I knew that most of my trips would be on paved and gravel roads in the city, and under varying conditions. An electric-assist hybrid bike seemed like the perfect all-around choice for my planned usage – a good combination of comfort and performance.

The bike's quick availability was also an important criterion. I visited a bike shop in Helsinki to test ride a few models, and to my delight, I found a bike that I liked during the same trip. I was able to start using it immediately after the necessary adjustments were made.

Use Vapaus Bike Finder to find the perfect bike for you >

After a year of cycling, you switched to a new benefit bike – why and what did you choose?

Yeah, what actually happened was that I became more interested in winter cycling, and for that, it was necessary to get a bike that could handle even more challenging conditions. In addition to year-round cycling, there's also a budding interest in occasionally going off-road biking.

For my new benefit bike, I chose the Canyon Grand Canyon ON:7 electric mountain bike, which was delivered to me in January 2023. I've already taken some rides with it, and so far, I'm super satisfied with my choice!

Linda's new Grand Canyon ON:7 electric mountain bike

What made you choose an electric bike?

The benefit bike was intended to be used for almost daily trips in both everyday life and leisure from the very beginning. I prefer to move effortlessly rather than pedal all-out, so electric assistance was a natural choice for the first bike. The new mountain bike is still heavy to ride, so electric assistance was an easy decision there as well.

💡Hint hint, check out Vapaus' Precycled selection here and easily book a test ride here.

What inspired you to get a benefit bike?

There were a couple of factors. My husband had previously gotten an electric bike, so there was an interest in enabling more family outings together. Perhaps the biggest reason, however, was the opportunity to acquire a high-quality bike economically. An electric bike is a significant financial investment, so the opportunity to spread out the cost through a benefit bike was appealing.

Additionally, Medixine's culture of encouraging physical activity also played a part in seizing the opportunity. And if you consider increasing everyday cycling in general, the positive impact on the environment is definitely a big plus.

How did the process of getting the benefit bike go?

The purchase of the benefit bike from the brick-and-mortar store went very smoothly. The store clearly had experience with benefit bikes. I created an account in the Vapaus app, and the salesperson asked for the necessary information. Nothing particularly surprised or caused any headaches. With Vapaus's calculator and other guides, I was able to prepare for the bike purchase well in advance.

And what about the switch to a new benefit bike?

I did indeed return the first benefit bike halfway through the season because I wanted to switch to a different type of bike. This was possible because my employer had selected interruption coverage for the benefit bikes.

I ordered the new bike from Canyon's online store. There were clear instructions, and I didn't encounter any major challenges with the ordering process. The return of the old bike was scheduled at the same time, so I had to be a bit careful to ensure that I remembered to complete all the steps for both the return and the new bike.

With the bike switch, Linda's old bike continued its life in the Precycled selection. Read about what happens to the benefit bike at the end of the contract period →

Where do you use the benefit bike?

The primary use is for commuting to work. I bike from home in Laaksolahti, Espoo, to my workplace in Keilaniemi almost daily. The one-way journey is about 11 kilometers, so it covers a good portion of my daily and weekly exercise needs. Even though we have the flexibility to work remotely, I often go to the office just for the joy of cycling!

In addition to commuting, I use the bike for various other purposes. This includes grocery shopping, dropping off my kids at daycare, going swimming or to the park with them, and whatever else comes up. A lot of these trips are between 5-20 kilometers, although during the winter season, it's a bit less. During spring and summer outings, the kids come along in a trailer or on our recently acquired longtail bike, exploring different parts of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

In the first year, I reached a total of 3000 kilometers of cycling.

How has the benefit bike affected your mobility?

These days, practically all of our daily trips and errands in the local area are done by bike. The same goes for a large portion of our leisure outings with the kids. Previously, a car would have been the top choice for all of these activities, so there's been a clear shift in behavior.

How many kilometers do you accumulate on your bike?

In the first year, I managed to reach 3,000 kilometers. Now, a few months later, the odometer reads around 3,500 kilometers. The distance adds up quite effortlessly when cycling is a part of your daily routine!

Do weather conditions matter?

Weather doesn’t really affect my enthusiasm for cycling, so I ride whether it’s raining or shining. The only real challenge is if there's heavy snowfall and the bike paths haven’t been plowed. In thick snow and slush, it can be difficult to make progress, so the bike might stay home because of that. However, with my new bike, I can handle even more challenging conditions than before.

Have you noticed any changes in your fitness or mood?

When you cycle regularly, getting outdoors and exercising definitely makes you feel more energetic. I usually use the electric bike’s assist power quite liberally, so the exertion level is moderate. Still, if I don’t cycle to work, I can notice the difference the same day as a sluggish feeling. I've never been super athletic, so this regular cycling has even changed my self-perception to be a bit more active.

When traveling by bike, you don't have to crawl through traffic.

Tell us about a memorable cycling experience?

One memorable experience is definitely the feeling of triumph when I've braved the worst slush or snowy conditions to bike to work and made it back home.

I also often joke that the best moment of my commute is when I cross over Ring I on the bike path and look down at the line of cars crawling in traffic under the overpass.

At this point, what are your thoughts on the costs and savings related to the benefit bike?

It seems to me that the financial advantage of the benefit bike is so clear that I don't see a reason to pay for the bike outright when the bike benefit is available. I don't think I would have purchased a bike for over 3,000 € in one go. Now, the taxable value is deducted from my gross salary every month, so the amount doesn't feel overwhelming.

In my case, the savings in the first year probably disappeared when I decided to switch bikes mid-season, as there's understandably a set price for that. However, if you commit to the bike for a longer period, you can save significantly on the purchase price. It's also good to remember that you can buy the bike at the end of the contract period for a reasonable cost.

What thoughts do you have about Vapaus's service?

In my opinion, Vapaus has made the benefits of the benefit bike easy to understand, and the company has a nice way of communicating overall. The website provides plenty of information, and we've received quick responses via email when needed.

The option for a freely chosen maintenance budget was a pleasant surprise in the service. I opted for the full maintenance budget for myself, and it's been reassuring to know that if the bike needs anything, I can simply take it to one of Vapaus's comprehensive network of partner stores.

I'm actually quite surprised at how few people in our workplace have gotten a benefit bike so far. Of course, tax matters regarding the benefit may seem unfamiliar, which might make the threshold higher, but that's not the fault of the benefit provider.

Who would you recommend a benefit bike for?

For anyone who wants to move more and reduce their reliance on cars, a benefit bike is a financially smart way to get a bicycle, and the selection is practically unlimited. For those who dread sweating during exercise, I recommend exploring electric biking.

Especially in the Helsinki metropolitan area, many commutes are of a distance that can be comfortably covered with an electric bike. And you can use the bike for leisure as well. So if you don't have a bike yet or want to upgrade to a better one, this is an easy way to get a higher-quality bike at a lower cost.

What message would you send to companies that don't yet offer a benefit bike program?

From my perspective, this is an easy and really good benefit to offer employees, and the cost to the employer doesn't seem to be significant. If there are any concerns about the service, it's worth asking the folks at Vapaus to explain the mechanics of the benefit step by step. This is a great opportunity to improve employee well-being and enhance the attractiveness of the workplace.

Last but not least: What's the best thing about cycling?

Absolutely, the ease and effortlessness are key: you just hop on the bike and start pedaling, quickly reaching different scenery while getting exercise and fresh air. Cycling is simply enjoyable. As a bonus, you don't have to search for parking spots, and the environment loves it too.

Thank you, Linda, and enjoy your new benefit bike! 🤩

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