Found the right bike?
Our benefit bike calculator lets you estimate the savings and impact on your salary.
Sign up in the Vapaus app with your company email address.
The app requests you to confirm your employer and bike benefit.
You can get a Vapaus bike from our own online store, a local bike shop, or from one of our EU-based online stores and bike brands.
Visit the shop and tell them that you are ordering a Vapaus benefit bike. The shop personnel will help you with making your order.
In some cases you can order directly from the partner shop’s website by choosing “benefit bike (Vapaus)” as the order method. If the shop does not support direct orders, you can call or email the shop to make your order.
Bike brands
Our benefit bike calculator lets you estimate the savings and impact on your salary.
Whoever decided on these discounts must be a little mad. We love it.
Discount price
€ 4,789 € 3,999
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