Cycling Story: 5,000 km of Commuting in Two Summers

Before acquiring a benefit bike, even a few kilometres of commuting by bike was too much for Santtu due to the convenience of driving. But with the electric-assisted benefit bike, the joy of cycling was truly found and swept him away. We asked Santtu what he thinks now—5,000 kilometres later—about the benefit bike and cycling in general.

In the Cycling Stories series, we interview benefit bike users from all over Finland. For Yara's maintenance manager, Santtu Toivonen, acquiring a benefit bike revolutionised his commutes. Let's hear from the man himself about his experiences as a benefit bike user.

Santtu and his Canyon Pathlite ON:6, 2021 model (photo: Santtu Toivonen)

Hello Santtu! could you start by telling us about your cycling background?

Cycling has mostly been just a way for me to get from one place to another – I definitely haven’t been a cycling enthusiast. When I moved to Uusikaupunki, I bought an Inserra Reflex hybrid bike with the intention of using it to commute the couple of kilometres to work that I had. Well, in seven years, I cycled to work maybe five times. I walked more often. I have always engaged in other forms of exercise, sometimes less and sometimes a bit too much.

When did you get your benefit bike?

The employer probably offered the benefit bike option in April 2021. When the benefit was announced, for some reason, I immediately felt that I had to get one. I ordered my own bike right at the beginning of April, so I was among the first to take action.

Which bike did you choose?

I chose an electric bike, specifically the electric-assisted Canyon Pathlite 6.

Canyon Pathlite ON:6 (photo: Canyon)

Why this particular bike?

I actually had a few different options. Since I wanted to get the bike quickly, the final choice was based on availability. The pandemic demand spike was quite strong, and I wanted to avoid a long delivery time.

From the beginning, the idea was to get a commuter bike. One that could handle gravel roads and occasional off-road sections smoothly. A friend who is into mountain biking recommended Canyon as a brand. I wasn't familiar with the brand, but they had a suitable and cool-looking bike.

I sent a message to Vapaus customer service with a link to Canyon's online store: "This bike is in stock now, it would be great if you could order it for me right away. If that's not possible, here are a couple of alternatives that also interest me.

Psst, did you know that as an eligible Vapaus benefit bike user, you can now place your Canyon bike order directly through Canyon's own online store yourself →

What made you choose an electric bike?

I didn’t have any previous experience with electric bikes. I figured that the electric assist would lower the threshold of daily commuting for me.

And by the way, I would never have bought an electric bike worth around 3,000 euros with my own money. So this was a good opportunity to get a more valuable bike with a smaller and distributed investment.

What inspired you to acquire a benefit bike?

This felt like a nice opportunity to improve my own health and fitness. So, I was thinking quite selfishly about myself. Additionally, in our household, we have two public transportation passes and only one car, so an electric bike makes getting around easier.

The environmental perspective is certainly a good addition, and understandably, the employer also wants to promote it through this benefit. I am a nature lover, but in this case, "greenness" was nevertheless a secondary reason for getting the bike.

How did the bike purchase go? did anything surprise you?

Overall, things worked well both at Vapaus and here at Yara. Of course, since it was a very new benefit at the time, not everything was as clear as it is today. I was among the first in our team to start using the benefit. Placing my own bike order helped to explain it to others how the process works, how much the benefit affects salary, and so forth.

Indeed, the cycling boom in the spring of 2021 was quite intense. It was noticeable in the communication that faltered a couple of times. It was a bit frustrating at the time when I wanted to start cycling as soon as possible, but I also understand that Vapaus had a massive rush then. Considering the situation, though, the experience was positive.

What do you use the benefit bike for?

Mainly for commuting purposes. I live about 12 km away from the Yara factory. I've been cycling there and back almost daily during the first two summer seasons now. In October 2022, I reached 5,000 kilometres of commuting cycling, which is quite an impressive achievement when you think of my previous cycling distances.

I also ride for leisure on weekends, for activities like going to the frisbee golf course, or running errands when the car isn't available. At home, I have a couple of demanding dogs whose fitness levels require more than just my running ability can provide. Cycling with them - always on their terms - ensures they get sufficient exercise.

How has cycling affected the duration of your commute?

It only takes about ten minutes longer than it would by car. On the best mornings, I can make it in 25 minutes, whereas it would take around fifteen minutes by car.

You are going at pretty good pace then?

Yeah, I definitely approach my work commutes from a sporty perspective. So even though it's an electric bike, I try to pedal "beyond assistance" so that the motor shuts off. The average speed is about 27-28 km/h. In steep climbs and when starting off, the electric assist is of course welcome. I've already replaced the gears and chain once.

Do the weather conditions matter?

Well, yeah, the summer season is a bit of a vague concept. My cycling season has so far been roughly from April to November. During slippery conditions, I haven't dared to bike to work due to the risk of an injury, but maybe I'll try that in the future too.

Cold weather doesn't bother me at all, but on rainy days, I'm more likely to leave the bike at home. So far, I've been cycling with pretty basic gear, so investing in waterproof cycling clothes could make rainy days good cycling days too.

When you're properly equipped, the weather won't stop you from cycling. (Image: Santtu Toivonen)

How has the benefit bike affected your mobility?

Previously, I didn't bike even for shorter commutes. Now I do, even though the commute is clearly longer. Cycling has replaced some other trips as well.

Have you noticed any changes in your fitness or how you feel?

My cycling fitness has definitely improved as I pedal daily. And you can feel the difference mentally on those days when you bike to work. It feels fresher to start the day's work, and you can give yourself a little pad in the back for biking again.

Yara's Uusikaupunki factory is located on an island, and the cycling route is magnificent (photo: Yara).

What is the best thing about commuting by bike?

I really love nature and animals, and on a bike, you can experience them in a completely different way than from a car. You can hear and smell the nature around you, and peacefully admire deer, foxes, and other creatures along the way.

Yara's Uusikaupunki factory is on an island, accessed via a road built on a bank. This stretch of road is absolutely stunning on calm spring, summer, and autumn mornings, especially when the sea is tranquil. Around six in the morning, with a gentle breeze, swans swim by and fish jump alongside. Can a commute possibly get any better?

What are your thoughts on the costs and savings of a benefit bike at this stage?

Financially, the benefit is significant. I pay approximately 50 € per month net for my company bike, so over the 32-month contract period, I will roughly pay 3,000 € for the bike, which is about 1,600 € net. I pay separately for maintenance, but on the other hand, the increase in physical activity also has its own value that is difficult to measure in euros.

I plan to purchase my current bike at the end of the contract period. Even then, the total cost of the bike will be just over 2,000 €, significantly less than the price of a new bike bought directly from a store. It should also be noted that after purchasing, I could potentially resell the bike.

Overall, the benefit is already good as it is, but in my opinion, the government could make it even more advantageous.

Who would you recommend the benefit bike to?

For office workers, especially those with many meetings and few physically demanding tasks. If you're sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day, it's worth considering balancing that by cycling to work occasionally.

On the other hand, if you're interested in cycling, but find bikes expensive, this could be a good opportunity to start the hobby. I know many – myself included – who have invested in a higher-quality bike than they otherwise would have, and cycling has become a regular form of exercise.

For city commuters, an electric bike can even be faster than a car, but from personal experience, I can recommend it for longer distances as well.

What message would you send to companies that do not yet offer the employee bike benefit?

I would encourage giving the benefit a chance. I don't have the numbers, but I believe the benefit outweighs the costs for the employer. It significantly enhances well-being and satisfaction.

In today's job market, unique employee benefits are valuable. I haven't heard any objections, so users of the benefit are satisfied, which inevitably reflects positively on the employer. Plus, it's an opportunity to support the company's corporate social responsibility efforts.

Any other greetings?

Just encouraging everyone eligible for the employee bike benefit to make use of it, and at the same time encouraging all employers to offer this benefit. Thanks to Yara and Vapaus from my side as well!

Thank you, santtu, and many happy kilometres in the future too! 🤩

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