Benefit biking to relieve climate anxiety

In partnership with Compensate, Vapaus brings the most responsible benefit bike service to the market.

Every second person of working age is interested in benefit bikes

Since the beginning of 2021, benefit bikes covered by the employee benefit have been tax-free up to a taxable value of €1,200 per year in Finland. The benefit has attracted enormous interest, and over half (54%) of the working-age people in the country are interested in the benefit. This translates to as many as 1.3 million Finns!

“The benefit bike is clearly a benefit that is of great interest to many people. It is a very convenient and cost-effective way to buy an electric bike, for example. And studies show that electric bikes often replace commuting by car, so the benefit is also good for your own well-being and the environment," says Mikko Ampuja, Founder and CEO of Vapaus.

Overcompensating emissions from the manufacturing and use of each bike 

Cycling is known to be a naturally ecological way of getting around. So why do Vapaus and Compensate want to offset cycling emissions?

“It all comes down to Vapaus’s values. We have been a carbon-negative player since the company was set up, and that’s something we’re going to keep holding onto. Secondly, we want to show how every little thing matters and, at the same time, little improvements are easy to make. The idea is to make cycling a doubly better way to travel. With Compensate, offsetting emissions is very easy for the cyclist,” summarises Ampuja.

With Compensate, Vapaus offsets the emissions created by the manufacturing and use of each bike. Compensation of electric bikes takes into account the manufacturing of the bike itself, the manufacturing of the battery and the use of electricity. In addition, Vapaus also compensates emissions from its premises. Compensate’s service is always built on overcompensation, which guarantees a positive climate impact and negates potential uncertainties in emission calculations. 

“In order to save the climate, we must also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In the future, this should be an automatic part of everyday life. Our co-operation with Vapaus is a good example of a sustainable, everyday solution that contributes to carbon dioxide capture,” says Elina Kajosaari, CEO of Compensate.

Vapaus benefit bike service

Target: 10 million cycled kilometres

Vapaus aims to achieve 10 million cycled kilometres on benefit bikes over the next two years. This requires 10,000 benefit cyclists, each pedalling an average of 1,000 kilometres.

“Electric bikes are excellent vehicles for commuting less than 10 kilometres. The bike assists pedalling up to 25km/h, which means that a 10-kilometre distance can be covered in less than half an hour,” says Ampuja.

According to the recommendations of the UKK Institute, a Finnish health promotion research organisation, people need to complete about 2.5 hours of physical activity per week. When commuting by bike, this goal will be achieved in approximately just three days. Other benefits of commuting by bike include, according to the UKK Institute, weight management, improved mental focus, reduced sick leave days and saved fuel costs, among other things. 

About Vapaus

Vapaus offers sustainable solutions for getting around. We are a dedicated partner to our customers who, through their expertise, help create a better work community experience, save on commuting costs and travel in a sustainable way. We are creating locally emission-free solutions that are overcompensated for their total emissions, i.e. they are carbon-negative. This is how we help our customers towards carbon neutrality. The services of Vapaus include benefit bikes and shared vehicles, such as shared cars and bikes. Additionally, we also provide benefit bikes insurance.

Create your Vapaus ID here.

For more information, please contact

Mikko Ampuja

Founder, CEO

+358 50 306 7000

Elina Kajosaari

