Vapaus – The most sustainable in the industry

We are committed to compensating the emissions of our business and to helping customers make the green shift in mobility.


We want our business to have an overall positive impact on the world. We are dedicated to creating a low-carbon future with our benefit bike service. Cycling as a low-emission mode of transportation helps our customers reduce emissions and comply to EU regulation.

It doesn’t stop there – we also want to contribute to people’s health by revolutionizing the way we commute and move in our daily lives. We aim to affect the wellbeing of millions while creating significant savings in CO2 emissions. According to The Upright Project’s impartial evaluation, Vapaus’ net-positive impact is greater than that of 97,64% of companies operating in Finland and globally, both in the mobility sector and other fields.

We take full responsibility for our carbon footprint to ensure that our service has a positive impact on the environment. We commit to making reductions where it is possible and purchase carbon credits equivalent to our remaining emissions. By tracking both our own emissions and the lifecycle emissions of our bikes and contributing to afforestation projects, we ensure that each bike we lease is a benefit to the environment. We also take responsibility for emissions that we are not yet able to fully avoid by supporting carbon sequestration projects and organizations working towards decreasing emissions from mobility.

Thank you for sharing the journey to a more sustainable and more cycling-friendly world.

A better planet, one kilometer at a time

We love to see statistics like these (from our State of benefit bikes in Finland 2024 research)



of users decreased car use after getting a benefit bike

1 million kg

less CO2-emissions thanks to decreased driving in 2023


of users increased cycling after getting a benefit bike


Effective Carbon Dioxide Removal – A Step Toward a More Sustainable Future

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that we must remove at least eight billion tons of CO₂ from the atmosphere each year by 2050. This pressing need underscores the importance of carbon dioxide removal (CDR), which can range from reforestation projects to high-tech methods like direct air capture (DAC). Recognizing the urgency of developing and scaling these solutions, we at Vapaus partnered with Supercritical, a leading carbon removal marketplace known for its rigorous project-vetting protocol, to offset our 2024 carbon emissions.

In the fiscal year 2024, Vapaus generated a total of 979 tonnes of CO₂-equivalent. We compensated for these emissions by retiring 979 high-quality carbon credits via Supercritical. Among the notable projects we support is the TIST Program in Uganda (VCS 2497). TIST (The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program) operates across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and India, engaging over 95,000 farmers – 35,000 of whom are women – to improve lives, empower communities, and positively impact the climate. In Uganda alone, TIST has been active since 2004, working with approximately 65,000 farmers across 3,600 villages. Together, they have planted over 10 million trees, generating multiple benefits such as vocational training on HIV/AIDS, improved agricultural methods, and enhanced hygiene practices. Farmers earn income from carbon credit sales while retaining ownership of the tree products they grow, including fruit, nuts, and sustainable wood. This model ensures that participants have both immediate and long-term incentives to protect the newly planted trees.

We also invest in Varaha Industrial Biochar in India, which uses advanced pyro gasification technology to transform waste corn shank into stable biochar that sequesters carbon for over a thousand years. By converting agricultural residue into a valuable resource, the project not only provides a reliable method of long-term CO₂ storage but also reduces emissions from traditional waste disposal methods like burning or decomposition.

By channeling our carbon offset spending toward these high-quality CDR initiatives, we demonstrate our commitment to meaningful and lasting climate action. Each project we support brings extensive social and environmental advantages to its region, be it economic empowerment for local farmers in Uganda or innovative waste-to-resource solutions in India. Through collaboration with Supercritical, we can be confident our offsets are both transparent and impactful, thereby helping us address our residual emissions responsibly while contributing to global efforts to stabilize our climate.

UN Global Compact

Vapaus is also committed to United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Vapaus is committed to ten principles of the UN Global Compact. Commitment is renewed annually.
  • UN Global Compact ambition is to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by upholding the Ten Principles and delivering the SDGs through accountable companies and ecosystems that enable change.
  • To make this happen, the UN Global Compact supports companies to do business responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption; and take strategic actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
  • More information here.

Our sustainability partners

Upright Project

We have partnered with The Upright Project to measure the net impact of our operations. Our AA (Excellent) rating reveals we are on the right track, but we’ve also identified several areas where we can still improve.

Get in touch

Connect with Tatu Mäkilä, our co-founder and Chief Impact Officer to discuss our sustainability initiatives, impact, and potential partnerships.

Tatu Mäkilä

Tatu Mäkilä

Co-Founder and Chief Impact Officer

+358 40 770 7452


Download our ESG Report

The Upright Project’s impartial rating for Vapaus’ net-positive impact is higher than 99% of other companies in mobility and other industries.

Study our ESG report to learn more about our sustainability work.